Saturday 28 June 2014

The great start..!!

Day 2: New Delhi

Well this is the most exciting day of life which is 12th June 2014 because I was about to take leap of faith with the end of this day. I knew that this day gonna be intense because my dad decided to visit Sharojini Market on this day. But I knew that we are going to be back from there very soon because that place is fucking crowded all the fucking time throughout the day. And I was suppose to buy some new clothes for me and I did. After that we came back home and it was getting excited with time because I was suppose to leave for airport in coming few hours. The time passed somehow and finally its time to leave home for airport I left home around 20:30PM and reached airport around 21:30.

My mom and dad stayed at airport for around 30 minutes with me and then I went inside after receiving there precious blessing for the long long trip to Romania. Well its going to be my first international trip all alone. So I was really very very excited for it then I entered into Indira Gandhi International Airport after that I went to get my boarding pass from the check-in counter submitted my luggage which was so so fucking heavy and then I went to the immigration counter for all document check and other stuff and then there was very very long line for security check.

After finishing all this stuff I was so relaxed that now I have to leave nothing can stop me now well I missed my family but on the other hand I was so excited
Finally after waiting for the while it was the time to board the flight for the journey of my life. 
Finally the boarding started around 12:15AM and I was so excited to board the flight because the plane was so big it got 4 engines and I don't know how to explain rest of the thing. We were on the run away and it was the time to say good bye to India and hello to my first destination of this trip which is Munich,Germany.

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